Nurse and healthcare assistant jobs are available in London for all medical field professionals at excellent rates of pay. Our advance compliance systems and network of branches deliver first class service to medical staff for nursing jobs in London. Our latest ICT and training systems ensure fast and compliant service.

With an extensive list of clients and specialisations, we provide nurses with varied occupational opportunities, flexible working hours, 24-7 service and extra pay. Vacancies are available for Theatre and Paediatric work, ODP, Occupational Health, NICU, Midwifery, Mental Health, Learning & Disability, ITU, Home Care (Domiciliary) and nursing jobs London.

 Register today to receive an automatic notification by email when your mandatory training and annual registrations are due. Our Staffshift Mobile App also ensures that medical professionals are up to date with the latest London nursing jobs, plan their availability and view their staff calendar. Upon registering for staff vacancies, we will provide you with an online diary to advise us of your work availability.

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